Baby Pasta/Cabonara (12 Month Above)

Published March 26, 2014 by mamalolapapabobo

lame nye x update ma nye blog… been quite busy this past few month… so celik pejam celik pejam dah nearly satu tahun dah my princess. Malaeqa Qaireen dah setahun.. so her progress is dah jalan dot det keliling rumah.. and she is very good in copy cat my actions… bahaya2.. so good things, actions and examples need to be set all the time.. remember that asma.

Since MQ dah setahun.. Ma teringin nak tukar her menu.. before this asyik makan bubur dengan ayam/ikan bilis/ikan tengiri and carrot/ubi kentang/bayam/sawi/ and kurma/kismis.

Hhehe banyak betul slash… hurm so today I prepared her baby cabonara! Mummy hope you will like it dear…

Baby Cabonara/Pasta (12 months above). One serve portion.

Bahan-Bahan :-

1. Pasta, Spaghetti – Segenggam ( any shapes will do.. the smaller the better for me)

2. Ayam – 1 Fillet (Dicincang halus)
3. Carrot – ½ batang (Dipotong dadu nipis)
4. Tomato – ½ biji (Dipotong dadu)
5. Brokoli – 2 bunga kecil (Dipotong halus)
6. Cheese – 1 keping ( I just used cheese biasa cheesedell, potong biase)
7. Susu – 1 cawan ( bancuh siap2 pun ok.. n Ma gune susu FM Malaeqa)
8. Mentega/ Olive oil – 1 Sudu
9. Bawang putih and Holland Onion (Skit je bagi rase)

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Cara-Cara :-

1. Rebus pasta bersama carrot around 5-8 minit. ( Ma preferred rebus lame skit.. biar hancur skit since Malaeqa ade 4 batang je gigi and rebus skali dengan carrot , risau carrot keras)
2. Angkat dan tos.
3. Panas olive oil, tumis bawang.
4. Masuk kan susu yang dah dibancuh, ayam , tomato and chesse. Biar agak2 ayam masak.
5. Masuk brokuli, pasta and carrot.
6. Biar sekejap agak2 masak brokoli and siap!!!


Simple dan mudah sgt…… Moga anak mummy suke ok sayang….

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